
Welcome to my humble little blog.  I’m Chris and I’ll be sharing my thoughts about making money online, search engine optimization, social media, marketing, business opportunities, black hat seo, running an seo company and so on.  In short I will be talking about everything, but mostly internet and marketing related topics. This blog is not a get rich quick blog, even though the url bigmoneyblogger might make it sound that way. I think it’s a great domain name for sure, but it is a little misleading. There will be no “How to get rich quick” posts here.  Instead, what you’ll find are the random thoughts of a professional seo guy/internet marketer.

I’m a self employed seo contractor. That means I do seo jobs for various web design companies.  I’m their in-house seo guy. When they get seo projects they hire me to do the work and deliver the results. I contract with several web design companies, which allows me to enjoy full time employment as an seo professional. This is just to give you, the reader, a little background information about me.

I will review some of the seo tools that I use on a day to day basis.  Any links to any software on this blog will probably be my affiliate links. If you find my reviews to be helpful, consider purchasing through my link:)

Other than that I just want to thank you again for stopping by my blog.

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